Friday, August 12, 2005

Relay For Life

The American Cancer Society conducts Relay For Life events all across the country. Tonight is the local event here in Watertown. What you see here are luminaries that have been placed all around the track. This one is in memory of my mother, who died from lung cancer last fall. My family has been hit hard by cancer, but unfortunately we are not unusual in that regard. Cancer, in all its forms, is a vicious killer. But we continue to make progress toward the day when cancer is eliminated. Your support will get us to that day more quickly.

1 astute observations :

  1. stuffle said...

    When I used to work in Platteville, my wife and I used to participate in the Relay every year. The place I worked at always had a team.

    After it gets dark and the luminaries are lit... That always brought a tear to my eye. Especially when I would walk past the one in memory of my Grandma.

    Good luck with your walk.