Monday, January 16, 2006

Untitled Sculpture

These objects have been situated in the parking structure concourse at General Mitchell Airport for almost two years. No plaque or other descriptive sign was ever erected to describe the art, nor can I be certain it was meant to be installed that way. So if any of you kind viewers out there can provide more information, I'd be happy to share it.

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1 astute observations :

  1. stuffle said...

    I believe that these took the place of the amazing silly "blue shirt" that was going to go there.

    There was a big uproar a couple of years back that the city was going to spend a boat load of money to adourn a parking garage (of all things) with a very stupid looking giant blue shirt. Instead, we ended up with very ugly sail boats...

    If you do a search of old JSOnline articles, you can probably get the whole (and more accurate) scoop on the whole deal...